Today is yet another possibly busy day!
New Year’s Eve is different for everyone, but in my work as a recovery coach it is a time when I am especially tender toward people who might be struggling with alcohol. No matter how you are in relationship with alcohol, please know I hold you in my heart today. I also have been trying to encourage care all during this month, so regardless of alcohol, I hope you’ve been able to accept the invitation into gentleness and care toward yourself. This is also the closing of this series of short reflections with The Hive.
I am inviting you into a closing practice. I encourage you to write a prayer of presence. Ask God* to be present to the needs of your emotional self and your soul. Ask God to bring a spirit of self-compassion into how you interact with yourself, because prayerful self-compassion can serve as the fertile soil for spiritual growth around your relationship with alcohol or any other part of yourself that yearns for wholeness. Feel free to write these prayers out if that feels good for you. You could also choose to record an audio note of these prayers. Find some way to record how these prayers and intentions take form for you so you can return to them when you feel the tug to return to a practice of being present to God, yourself, and the needs of your soul.
Write a Prayer of Presence. Ask God* to be present to the needs of your emotional self and your soul. Ask God to bring a spirit of self-compassion into how you interact with yourself, because prayerful self-compassion can serve as the fertile soil for spiritual growth around your relationship with alcohol or any other part of yourself that yearns for wholeness.
*with the reminder that the language for this can change based on your spirituality
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Explore Erin Jean Warde’s website to learn more about her work.
Look through the Discerning Sobriety website to read about the course + community.
Browse the Discerning Sobriety course website to look at the lessons covered in the course and sign up for the January cohort.
Have questions about the course? Use the Contact Form on the DS website to reach out to Erin Jean.