I love this quote from Audre Lorde (a quote I keep close to myself at all times):
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
Often I can become cynical about self-care, rolling my eyes when it pops up. However, when I return to Audre Lorde’s quote I am reminded it is not a floofy self-indulgence; self-care is part of how I stay connected to my calling, my ministry, my desire to see the world radically change so that it bends toward justice. My desire to change my relationship with alcohol (which for me was sobriety) was a choice to be awakened to the world and no longer numb to its injustices. This week, especially while some of us are receiving the words from some of the most powerful scriptures we hold dear, I invite you to reflect on how self-care could connect us to justice, compassion, and hope.
I’m curious…
How is self-care connected to your faith?
How is it connected to your desire to see the world become a more compassionate place?
What does self-care beg to teach you about justice?
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Browse the Discerning Sobriety course website to look at the lessons covered in the course and sign up for the January cohort.
Have questions about the course? Use the Contact Form on the DS website to reach out to Erin Jean.